The four Paths in life
To go to a destination one can travel in a path. In a similar way; there are different paths to live a good life. The four paths are – Bhakti Yoga or the path of devotion, Dhyan Yoga or the path of self-realization, Gyan Yoga for the seeker of knowledge and Karma Yoga which is the path of action or work. Bhakti Yoga or devotion is the highest. It is the most difficult path and it ends in love and peace. The seers of ancient times believed in peace. They knew that it presides over turmoil. Diversity brings unrest while unity brings peace.
On Karma
The first affirmation to feeling good is – “I am “. This is the acceptance of who you are. Many of us live our life without a thought of our actions. Good actions bring good result and negative actions bring suffering. If we are not careful and cause harm we have bad Karma, but if we are selfless we receive happiness and joy in life.Human beings inherently suffer. Good is achieved by hard work and endurance .When we feel separate from others and when we are not kind we bring suffering on our own self.
Humility is thinking that “I am not the doer “. When your self is subdued then peace arrives. Selfless behavior brings peace of mind. Forget self by being self-less. When you give, you give yourself and become one with everyone. This is joy that results in peace.
Dhyan Yoga
Kindness in Thought, Kindness in Action
Karma brings the effect of your actions. When you cause harm to others, you will suffer. Therefore you need to correct yourself before you judge others. Again we may not know how a person has suffered when we meet them. A person who has an arrogant attitude may be a very kind person at heart. He may be currently facing some difficulty in life for which he is not happy. That person who is even minded and who can bear joys and sorrows equally is fit for bliss.
The mind that can face challenges
A strong mind can face challenges .Strength of mind is having the courage to say no to wrong.
How does our mind affect our actions? When we are happy we will see happiness around us and when we are sad we will see despair. In this way we are connected to all and our actions affect all. Actions which are not Dharmic cause confusion. Actions which are Dharmic bring ultimately, peace. Dharmic actions are selfless; they are aligned to righteous behavior. It takes a very strong mind to face hurdles and win .Therefore we need to train this mind.
Determination Wins
Life is beautiful, it is a gift .Determination is the strength to live this life well .It is the strength to never succumb to evil but work for the good. It is the strength to be selfless. Imagine the love to give without asking. Parents are capable of this love. A devotee is capable of this love.
The way to be determined
The soul suffers when you are selfish and is free when you do good .To be fearless and strong do good.Determination in the long run is the work to be selfless. Strengthen this quality by a little work at a time till you are free of any inhibition. Once you make determination a habit you will achieve your goal.
To go to a destination one can travel in a path. In a similar way; there are different paths to live a good life. The four paths are – Bhakti Yoga or the path of devotion, Dhyan Yoga or the path of self-realization, Gyan Yoga for the seeker of knowledge and Karma Yoga which is the path of action or work. Bhakti Yoga or devotion is the highest. It is the most difficult path and it ends in love and peace. The seers of ancient times believed in peace. They knew that it presides over turmoil. Diversity brings unrest while unity brings peace.
On Karma
The first affirmation to feeling good is – “I am “. This is the acceptance of who you are. Many of us live our life without a thought of our actions. Good actions bring good result and negative actions bring suffering. If we are not careful and cause harm we have bad Karma, but if we are selfless we receive happiness and joy in life.Human beings inherently suffer. Good is achieved by hard work and endurance .When we feel separate from others and when we are not kind we bring suffering on our own self.
Humility is thinking that “I am not the doer “. When your self is subdued then peace arrives. Selfless behavior brings peace of mind. Forget self by being self-less. When you give, you give yourself and become one with everyone. This is joy that results in peace.
Dhyan Yoga
Kindness in Thought, Kindness in Action
Karma brings the effect of your actions. When you cause harm to others, you will suffer. Therefore you need to correct yourself before you judge others. Again we may not know how a person has suffered when we meet them. A person who has an arrogant attitude may be a very kind person at heart. He may be currently facing some difficulty in life for which he is not happy. That person who is even minded and who can bear joys and sorrows equally is fit for bliss.
The mind that can face challenges
A strong mind can face challenges .Strength of mind is having the courage to say no to wrong.
How does our mind affect our actions? When we are happy we will see happiness around us and when we are sad we will see despair. In this way we are connected to all and our actions affect all. Actions which are not Dharmic cause confusion. Actions which are Dharmic bring ultimately, peace. Dharmic actions are selfless; they are aligned to righteous behavior. It takes a very strong mind to face hurdles and win .Therefore we need to train this mind.
Determination Wins
Life is beautiful, it is a gift .Determination is the strength to live this life well .It is the strength to never succumb to evil but work for the good. It is the strength to be selfless. Imagine the love to give without asking. Parents are capable of this love. A devotee is capable of this love.
The way to be determined
The soul suffers when you are selfish and is free when you do good .To be fearless and strong do good.Determination in the long run is the work to be selfless. Strengthen this quality by a little work at a time till you are free of any inhibition. Once you make determination a habit you will achieve your goal.